Parent support Group to meet at Hope Center Tuesday Sept 4, (not at church)
I don't know where to start! This is the last day of the month and I cannot wait for the clock to turn. We have some fun stuff lined up for September and I think you will be excited for us. The details cannot be disclosed until each event happens, but I can tell you I need as many people to take part as we can find.
We will have three different online campaigns going during the month. We will explain and promote them all on Facebook, but only one is truly a Facebook project. If you are reading this you can take part in all three. So what we need from you is to share and pass the information on to as many people as you can. As the information comes to light, we ask you to e-mail, post on Facebook , Tweet it, Google + it, Instagram it, Foursquare it, anyway you can think of, SHARE IT! I ask that you BLOW up your social media; that's it just pass it on.
I am super excited to tell you that we have been asked to have a booth at Fort Worth Music Fest. September 28& 29th. Rene will be out of town and I am very scared. This project will be on me. She is not helping me at all! I need help, help, help! We are planning to display and sell artwork and hand-painted greeting cards. (all created by Hope Center for Autism clients) We will get a sign-up sheet for families to help run our booth, and visit with people about Hope. I have never attended but am told it is a ton of fun. If you might be interested in hanging out, manning the booth, share your awareness with others or just be there for moral support, please email me so I can get you on the volunteer list.
I’m ready for this, are you!?
September 4,2012 Support Group Topic????
See picture for your hint
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