Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It takes a Little Time.

Today, I was part of two parent training sessions. These parents are working very hard to make lifestyle changes to help their children. I is such a huge job to be "on" 24/7 and then to come back in a week and be accountable. I could not be happier with the changes that are happen for the kids. Well, for the families, when the child is better the household is better. Keep up the hard work. We are so proud of you!

Yesterday, was one of the best days I have had in months. I think it is due to the time I have invested in myself lately. Many of you may know, I live with some serious pain from a neck and back injury from a car wreck years ago. For four weeks I went for acupuncture twice a week and now the past 3 weeks I started a new treatment going at least one time a week. I am very pleased. My pain is much less than it has been in years. Why am I telling you this? Well, I had to invest in myself so I can keep doing for others. I would love it if you all could take a minute and see what can you do for yourself? No one is going to take care of you but you. The Hope Center did not fall down while i was away, they were able to hold it together for me to be out a few hours a week. And now Hope Center and I am much better for it.  Parents please try to take care of yourself, just a little each week. You and your family will be glad you did.
I know several of you have stated how hard things are right not getting back to school and finding a groove.
Give yourself a little time. Slow down.
Relax and listen............

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the typo but if you know me at all you will see them often.
